Visit Wales. Later.
Posted on in coronavirus spring 2020What's the plan for May? ... our current priorities are ...
- The wellbeing of our employees and crew of freelance instructors and addressing their personal concerns directly
- Focusing on what we know NOW and being very cautious about the next few months
- Improvising! Being Creative!
- Keeping our behaviour and mindset as calm as possible
- Not being overly extreme in the changes we make – focusing on addressing facts
- Constantly reviewing the situation, measuring success of the last set of actions and adjusting to new facts – this is an ongoing process as things are changing fast
- Staying positive
So for now the Welsh Government advice we echo is. . .
Visit Wales. Later.
Please keep in contact though. . . we would love to discuss possible future bookings, tell you about what we do and start planning canoe adventures with you:
- We have a growing list of those wanting a phone-call as soon as we have dates for trips available – let us add you to the list!
- Follow us on instagram and facebook to keep bang up to date with our outlook and how we are fighting the #savethesummer cause!
- Join us in preparing to offer free trips to nhs and blue-light workers when it is safe for us to re-open Racquety Farm and ‘want to canoe?’ – click for more info
#staysafe #takecareofeachother