oh what’s occurring?
Posted on in canoe adventures, coronavirus spring 2020, hay on wye, racquety farm, special occasionsgame face . . .
- Please call or email to start the process of making a booking – we politely ask that you don’t come and visit us at the canoe office unless you have a booking that day
- Please call or email if you want to find out more about what we’re doing… you don’t have to be someone who wants to go canoeing, you might live in or around Hay, run a business that has crossover with ours, or just be genuinely interested – we want to talk to everyone and particularly iron out any concerns or worries anyone might have – please talk, we are listening x
- we are keeping things safe, simple and dedicated for those canoeing with us
- Follow us on instagram and facebook to keep bang up to date with our outlook and how we have fought the #savethesummer cause and reopened safely
- Join us in offering free trips to nhs and blue-light workers at ‘want to canoe?’ – click for more info
#staysafe #takecareofeachother
our priorities are . . .
- The wellbeing of our employees and crew of freelance instructors and addressing their personal concerns directly
- The wellbeing of our local community and addressing their concerns directly
- The wellbeing of our clients
- The wellbeing of the river … we’ve all been off the river for a while in 2020 so we must make a careful, considerate return and be even more respectful to the natural habitat, wildlife, birdlife, flora and fauna than we normally are!
- Maintaining Covid-Security across our operation
- Keeping it real – we aren’t looking for loopholes, we’re playing by the rules!
- Focusing on what we know NOW and being very cautious about the future
- Keeping our behaviour and mindset as calm as possible
- Not being overly extreme in the decisions we make – focusing on addressing facts
- Constantly reviewing the situation, measuring success of the last set of actions and adjusting to new facts – this is an ongoing process as things are changing fast
- Staying positive
There’s lots to read and keep checking in on daily so our pals at Hou Canoes are supporting the paddle-sport sector by coordinating a fab ‘back to paddling’ page on their website with up-to-date guidance, technical advice, and best-practice advice, check it out here – https://www.houcanoes.com/service/back-to-paddling-with-covid-19/
let's not get complacent . . .
The COVID‐19 virus is a serious and highly contagious disease. The World Health Organisation has classified it as a pandemic. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our clients and staff, and to advance the safety of our local community whilst working strictly within and adhering to all Government and Canoe Wales guidance.
The pandemic and subsequently the guidance are changing and the situation is fast-paced. We have reopened our business directly in line with all government regulations. We will be constantly reviewing and updating our procedures and operation in accordance with any changes.
Stay safe x